Limiting Law of Electrochemistry

Topics: Concept of activity and activity coefficient, Ionic atmosphere, Relaxation time, Ionic strength, Debye-Huckel limiting law for strong electrolytes, Measurement of activity coefficient, Effect of temperature& dielectric constant on activity coefficient, Dissociation constants and their measurement for polybasic acids & bases, conductometric, potentiometric and pH-metric methods



Ionic Atmosphere is a concept employed in Debye-Hückel theory which explains the electrolytic conductivity behaviour of solutions. It can be generally defined as the area at which a charged entity is capable of attracting an entity of the opposite charge.

Theory of Thermodynamic Activity and Ionic Strength - YouTube  

Asymmetry effect is the asymmetrical or irregular distribution of the ion cloud around an ion which occurs from the finite relaxation time when a voltage is applied.

Why Relaxation Effect is called the Asymmetry Effect? - QS Study 

Electrophoretic effect is the tendency of the applied potential to move the ionic atmosphere which reduces the ionic motion in a solution. Electrophoresis - Wikipedia7.5 Theories for strong electrolyte - ppt downloadELECTROCHEMISTRY PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B.Sc FIRST YEAR SECOND SEMESTER - ppt  video online download

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