(a) Gaseous State: Kinetic theory of gases, kinetic equation, Dalton’s law of partial pressure, Equipartition of energy, Distribution of molecular velocities, The Maxwell law, the most probable, average and root mean square velocities, viscosity of gases, mean free path, behavior of ideal and real gases: van der Waals equation, critical constants, relations with van der Waals constants, equations of state, principle of corresponding states, Joule-Thomson effect and liquefaction of gases. Inversion temperature, mixture of gases. Densities of gases: Dissociation and association, heat capacities. [12 lectures]
(c) Solid State: Definition and classification, amorphous and crystalline solids, isomorphism and polymorphism, laws of isomorphism. [4 lectures]
behavior of ideal and real gases: van der Waals
equation, critical constants, relations with van der Waals constants,
equations of state,
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